Sensory Processing in Teens

Everybody in the world has one (or more) sensory processing styles; we all process input from the world around us. One theory of thinking of these processing styles uses 4 quadrants to describe them: sensory seekers, sensory avoiders, sensory sensitive, and sensory “missers”.

This post assumes you already know those 4 terms, and applies them to things teenagers might do, and the reasons why. (If you don’t already know those four terms, check out this post first.)

This is by no means comprehensive, but I rarely write about “big kids” compared to how often I write about little kids, so I thought it was helpful enough to share.

(Yes, they might also sound like a younger child, a young adult, or an older adult in addition to being about teens!)

Sensory processing profiles in teens
-watch me jump up and slap this thing on the wall for no reason
-I am in all the sports
-have y’all heard of this great thing called spray yourself with cologne/perfume?
-I’m gonna eat snacks constantly forever because it gives me sensory input through my jaw
-can I listen to my music while I work because it helps me focus
-I’m wearing shorts even though it’s freezing, lol no big deal to be cold
-I’m fidgeting with your pen, I’m fidgeting with my pen, I’m fidgeting with my notebook, I’m fidgeting with my backpack, I’m~
-I’m gonna hang out in the shower forever thank you
-thrill seeking sports/activities yes please

-I’m just gonna spend ten minutes in the bathroom so nobody talks to me for a sec
-I don’t want to use the deodorant you got me because it smells too strong and I can’t smell myself
-I hate wearing makeup/“trendy” clothes because they don’t feel physically comfortable
-I’m growing so none of my clothes feel right and it sucks
-keeping my hoodie on my head because it cuts down on the overwhelm of the bright lights
-can I listen to my music while I work because otherwise I can’t stop listening to Aidan breathe and make noises with his mouth
-I’m wearing shorts even though it’s freezing because the feeling of cold is more tolerable to me than the feeling of pant legs
-I don’t want to start to shower because I hate getting wet
-I don’t want to get out of the shower because I hate getting dry
-can I please get a ride or drive myself or walk I hate the bus

-how far can I slouch into my desk before my teacher thinks I’m sleeping
-can I listen to my music while I work because otherwise my brain just zones right out
-a snack? don’t mind if I do!
-wait was i hangry? Whoops
-I didn’t notice I was tired until I fell asleep on my book
-the hands-on learning at school is the best part
-I’m wearing shorts even though it’s freezing and no my legs aren’t cold
-how did I get that bruise?
-whoops was I in the shower for an hour? I didn’t notice

-I hate wearing makeup/“trendy” clothes because I just hate them or because I don’t care what anybody thinks
-I hate having to change classes because the noise and chaos and touch of brushing past everyone in the hallway overloads my systems
-I just like this hoodie it’s more comfortable i don’t care if it’s 90 degrees out
-don’t touch me without asking!
-can I listen to my music while I work because it helps me feel relaxed even if I don’t know why
-I’m wearing shorts even though it’s freezing because I can’t stand the way pants feel
-I’ll go on the rollercoaster with you but I’ll regret it and feel sick all day
-riding in the bus means my day starts off a little queasy or a little overstimulated even if I don’t know it and that sucks