
I began The Occuplaytional Therapist because I disliked the way that occupational therapy is so difficult to access for so many people. My page is, and always will remain, free. I will always categorize my posts from Facebook here on this website so people can more easily access them again in the future. I will always make images accessible for those who use screen readers or need help parsing the images. I will always make audio accessible by providing a transcribed format for those who cannot hear it or who do not learn best auditorily. 

The work that I do is important and powerful, as hundreds, if not thousands, of you have told me in comments, in emails, in messages and I read every one and save them for the days when I feel discouraged. It truly means the world to me.

If you want to go one step further and help support the work I’m doing, there are a couple of ways for you to do that.



The above links are a few ways that you can support financially.

The Amazon link takes you to my wish lists, where I put books, play materials, and consumable materials (like craft supplies and fidgets) that I would use in my day-to-day OT practice (and then, eventually, probably write a post about!) 

Any little bit is truly appreciated, genuinely helpful, and goes a long way toward making this sustainable for me in the long-term. I love being The Occuplaytional Therapist. I love how it’s impacted me and my practice and how I’ve been able to help you and your children — the children you care for, work with, are the parent of, or your own inner child. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.