“Need” to Learn
We do not need to decide when our kids “need” to learn to count and write. If they see us modeling counting and writing authentically, they will be interested in it and pursue it when […]
We do not need to decide when our kids “need” to learn to count and write. If they see us modeling counting and writing authentically, they will be interested in it and pursue it when […]
(descriptions of the images throughout this post are all contained at the end so that they tell one coherent narrative :)) It might, or it might not, surprise you to learn that I am very […]
A game one of my kids and I made up with my keyboard mat (a gymnastics mat with masking tape on it in the shape of a QWERTY keyboard)… Pick up plastic letters and run, […]
I recently appeared on the podcast Dauntless Grace to talk about trauma, play, reparenting ourselves, and that infamous consequences post. You can listen to the interview on their website, Dauntless Grace. It’s also available on […]
I shared this image, with the following caption, for the first time two years ago: Getting my therapy gym room ready for the new school year! I put up this sign this year… “In Action […]
“You can struggle for weeks to teach a child to identify colors before they are ready, or you can do it in a few moments when they are ready to learn.” True about colors. True […]
It started with a sticky note on a book that someone sold to my husband. My son got really interested in it. I was unaware of this, and when he came asking me for “paper […]
This post is a transcript for this one, which has the video. I want to start by asking you to think about learning. What comes to your mind when you hear the word learning? Maybe […]
I had the opportunity to speak about protecting the power of play to childcare providers at the daycare and youth program centers near where I work for my day job. This lecture covers play […]
This little piece of art by Lynda Barry stopped me in my tracks the first time I saw it: It’s so true! And it’s also true that it’s easy to forget as adults and classify […]
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